The first Master Grade series for Gundam 00 brings you Gundam Exia. Piloted by Celestial Being's Gundam Meister Setsuna F Seiei, Gundam Exia is known for its Seven Swords System, and this is just what Bandai present! With a GN Long Blade, GN Short Blade, two GN Beam Sabers, two GN Beam Daggers as well as the GN "switchblade" that can turn from rifle mode to sword mode as seen countless of times in the anime. New clear parts and hologram parts are included as well as a display stand for the GN drive so you can proudly display it.
*** We have the LED Unit to light up this kit's GN Drive available now! Get it along with this model!***
This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 26 August, 2009.