The renewed edition of Kira Yamato's first Gundam from Gundam Seed: MG Aile Strike Gundam! This MG Aile Strike is re-engineered to feature the new MG Gundam Seed line's frame as seen in the
MG Duel Gundam,
MG Blitz Gundam,
MG Buster Gundam and
MG Aegis Gundam. This means more poseability, better details and just improved overall feeling! Still includes the beam rifle, Armor Schneider, Shield, Aile Striker pack, and a special base as included the old Master Grade, retooled of course. As a nod to the HD remaster series, this Gundam will also include charger packs to form the Perfect Strike Gundam (Launcher and Sword Strike packs are sold separately as web exclusive). Gundam Seed fans, no need to think too much, this is what you need to complete your Seed collection!
This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 26 March, 2013.